
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Premeditated or Self Defense? Murdered by His Ex - Nikola Turek
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Episode 3
Human relationships are a cornerstone of society. And even though every single one of us gets to experience them, most of us are still fascinated by them. People have studied them, written literary masterpieces about them, tried capturing them in photographs… They go so far into our collective history that they are a part of holy books, and some of the earliest proofs of civilization on Earth.
But learning how to navigate them is something that defines maturity, and even then, the relationships that come with an extra dose of emotions - like romantic ones, can leave even the most experienced humans baffled.
How does love turn into hate? Where exactly is that proverbial thin line between lovers and strangers? And what compels people who loved each other to hurt each other?
I can’t promise that today’s episode will answer any of these questions, in fact, it could actually leave us with more questions, but today’s case is a tale as old as time. Lovers who became strangers, but couldn’t leave their relationship behind. Until one of them was dead.
Please join me as we explore the murder of Nikola Turek.
You can find the sources I used and the script I wrote here: https://pauladragash.substack.com/p/the-tragic-case-of-nikola-turek
Follow us on social media:
Instagram: @humblemysteriespod
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@HumbleMysteriesPodcast?si=3IveXmQHiotaEsxm
Email us with case suggestions: humble.mysteries@gmail.com
Production & editing: Paula Dragash
Audio engineering & mastering: Jake Dragash

Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Family Secret Kept in the Freezer for 19 Years - Jasmina Dominić
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Episode 2
There is something about life in small communities that seems to either be inherently attractive to people, or completely unimaginable. Life in a small town or a village where everyone sort of knows each other, where silence is the only thing to be found on the streets after the supper has been consumed, where doors are locked only because it’s something that should be done, and not out of fear - is not for everyone. And yet there are people who have lived for generations in towns or villages, finding comfort in the staleness of events, finding fun in gossip that often runs rampant, and building their family nests amongst neighbors they didn’t really know, but somehow knew everything about them.
Our today’s case comes from a place like that. And this one hits particularly close to home, because it happened just a 15 minute drive away from my hometown.
It is a case that has, quite frankly, left me speechless. A case that sent the gossip mill into overdrive, and at the same time proved how dangerous the gossip mill can be. It is a gruesome case, one where the facts creep you out the more you think about them.
And in the end, it is also a case where justice was served, and even though it had a devastating end, it did eventually bring a long forgotten disappearance to a closure.
Today’s case is the disappearance of Jasmina Dominić.
SAFE TIME: 28:38
You can find the sources I used and the script I wrote here: https://pauladragash.substack.com/p/the-chilling-case-of-jasmina-dominic
Follow us on social media:
Instagram: @humblemysteriespod
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@HumbleMysteriesPodcast?si=3IveXmQHiotaEsxm
Email us with case suggestions: humble.mysteries@gmail.com
Production & editing: Paula Dragash
Audio engineering & mastering: Jake Dragash

Thursday Feb 29, 2024
Missing Before She Could Graduate High School - Antonia Bilić
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
Episode 1
One of the most known and notorious true crime cases in Croatia, definitely is the murder of Antonia Bilić, who at just 17 got her dreams and plans brutally taken from her. Her disappearance started what is still to this day the biggest search and rescue operation in Croatia.
This is her story.
You can find the sources I used and the script I wrote here: https://open.substack.com/pub/pauladragash/p/the-heartbreaking-case-of-antonia?r=3h37ge&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Follow us on social media:
Instagram: @humblemysteriespod
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@HumbleMysteriesPodcast?si=3IveXmQHiotaEsxm
Email us with case suggestions: humble.mysteries@gmail.com
Production & editing: Paula Dragash
Audio engineering & mastering: Jake Dragash

Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Welcome to Humble Mysteries!
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Hello, dear listeners!
This is a trailer for Humble Mysteries.
The first episode will be out on Thursday, February 29th at 10am CET!